They agreed they could see a light line.
The next morning I took another test. It was definitely darker. I sent a picture of this test to Dr. Park asking if it was too early and if it could be the trigger shot still in my system.
Her response was "No, it is not too early. =) I will have the nurse contact you regarding blood confirmation testing." I could barely contain my excitement, my coworkers probably thought I was nuts. Smiling to myself staring at her response at break. I decided I would share the news with Jordan as soon as o got home.
I bought him a Father's Day card, Father's Day was only a few days away. He read the card and said "aw how sweet let me give you a hug" clearly he didn't get it, I pulled out a pair of baby shoes from my purse and gave them to him. He said "those are cute, hopefully they get used soon. When do you get to test?" My response was "you're not getting it I'm pregnant!!!!" Celebrating in our kitchen ensued with Thor in our kitchen. Poor dog didn't know what the hell was going on but he loved the love.
I had blood work done Thursday anything higher than a 4 mIU is positive, mine came back at 124mIU.
A second blood test was done on Saturday to make sure the pregnancy was progressing my hcg level was 317 mIU it had more than doubled. (Enter dancing emoji here!)
Sharing with our families was so special. We got to see my parents in person and were able to FaceTime his parents. Yay for modern technology!
Friday we visited my grandpa and got to tell him the good news. He seemed to understand what we were saying and managed a "oh that's good". This was really special since he passed away only a few days later.
As of today I am 7 weeks and the baby is the size of a blueberry. I am so blown away that it worked on the first try. The odd of it working on the first time are low. We are so thankful for everyone's thoughts, prayers and support.